Write for EE Insider
Do you have a cool technique, idea or approach to building EE sites that you would like to share with the community? You can publish your short article here on EE Insider.
While I’m regularly reaching out privately to people I think could write great articles for EE Insider, I have neglected to mention it here often enough. For the last 2 1/2 years I have been publishing ExpressionEngine how-to articles. I am always looking for more articles and for the last year and a half I have been paying $100 for every article published. You can get full credit, a bio on the page and you get paid.
There are some classics like Securing ExpressionEngine 2 (which resulted in Mark’s popular ebook of the same name), Matt Weinberg’s Multi-server Setup for EE2 and Erik Reagan’s The Dreaded Documentation.
Interested in writing and have an idea? Contact me and let’s get started!