Pressing the Gas on Mijingo
Indulge me, if you will, for a little personal/business news.
EE Insider has been around for 5+ years. Since beginning it’s been a publication that is part of Mijingo, my business for creating quality learning materials for designers and developers.
For Mijingo’s entire existence it has been a side project, a thing I do during my downtime (with the exception of last year when I partnered with Happy Cog).
I was diligent in balancing everything; I worked every evening and weekend for a few years so I could continue to publish learning materials while maintaining a full-time job.
But I was pulled in two directions and saw the time I had for something I was passionate about diminish. I’m sure you’ve noticed the lack of posting here.
So I made a change.
Starting on Monday, June 30th, I will be working full-time on Mijingo, following my passion to build training materials that help people, and growing a business that means a tremendous amount to me.
I’m on day 3 of doing this thing full-time and I think you’ll like what I’m working on.
Tim FitzGerald — 22:08 on 07.02.2014
Best of luck in your endeavour!