Top 10 Ways to Get on EE Insider
Before (and sometimes during) breakfast every morning, I sort through a pile of links to find stuff to post to the site. I do this using a combination of feeds, searches and good ol’ fashioned email. I sometimes miss stuff because it didn’t cross my radar. That bums me out.
So, here are the top 10 ways to get your news announced on EE Insider:
- Write or create something helpful or awesome and send it to me:
- Did I say 10 ways? I meant one.
That’s it. Have you launched a cool, new site, created a great tutorial, built and released an add-on or done anything else related to ExpressionEngine and CodeIgniter? Email me and let me know.
It’s that easy!
GDmac — 23:57 on 08.31.2011
Ryan, close, so close