New EE Insider Blogger: Kyle Cotter
I’m very happy to welcome Kyle Cotter to EE Insider. Kyle will help me keep the site updated with news and information about ExpressionEngine and from the community. He will also be at EECI next month and will post updates from the conference.
If you’re a reader of the official ExpressionEngine blog you probably already know Kyle. He worked as an intern and then part-time on the EllisLab team doing blogging, media creation and other community efforts. Kyle recently left EllisLab to work on building his own business.
Kyle is very passionate about helping people with their work using ExpressionEngine, sharing ideas, and organizing community events. He also has more drive and passion than I ever did at his young age. It’s very impressive. He’s going to be a great part of the team.
Please give him a warm welcome.
Steven Hambleton — 07:49 on 09.10.2012
Welcome Kyle! Looking forward to constructive content from EECI.
If you see the Hulk, can you punch him in the throat from me?