New Add-on: Transcribe for EE2
EE Harbor released this past week a new add-on for EE2 to help with making multi-language websites with ExpressionEngine. It’s called Transcribe. Creating a multi-language site is, without a doubt, still a task that has many, many solutions. EE Harbor and their Transcribe module are trying to be the solution.
From the product page:
Transcribe is a fully featured solution for creating multi-lingual websites in ExpressionEngine. Transcribe handles everything from word/phrase translation to channel entry translations and even url translation/routing!
Here’s a video walk-thru of setting up a site to use Transcribe:
Read our own how-to article on multi-language sites in ExpressionEngine for some other options.
Liam Crean — 05:22 on 01.17.2012
Genius. Genio. Cest Genius.
(been looking for something like this for a new project.)
Jim — 05:43 on 01.18.2012
Very nice, but expensive. As a long-time user of PutYourLightsOn’s $40 Multi-Language-Module, I can’t see it being $110 better than that. Were it closer to $60, then I’d consider it but unless there’s a good-sized budget I can’t see myself using this on the average site.. (Say what you will, but with free WP plugins on once side and free Drupal plugs on the other, EE sites are getting squeezed..)
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