Design Process for FreeForm Pro
A big part of the update to Solspace’s Freeform module was the revamp of the interface. All of the work was done by Eric Miller Design.
Eric shared some photos and sketches of the work on the Freeform user interface as it moved through the process. I spend my days working with really talented designers and I know a well-thought-out interface when I use one. Right away, when I started using the beta version a few weeks ago, it just felt right. And, as a result, it made making a video about the add-on even easier.
Very nice work.
Michiel Van Kets — 23:57 on 08.13.2012
Thank you for the tips. It’s not easy getting freelance jobs these days as there is so much competition around. However, I will not give up and stay positive. Graphic designing, is afterall my passion!