All entries filed under “Version Control”
Jason Siffring posted the .htaccess file he uses that password protects his development environments, while not affecting the live site. Since the file is version controlled, it is the same across all environments. His .htaccess file however, only password protects the appropriate environments.
Check it out.
I was still sipping my morning coffee but Ryan Masuga had already delivered his talk on the Git version control system at EECI in Leiden. His talk, subtitled “Everyday version control for ExpressionEngine using Git,” walks through the basics of Git and then how to apply it to ExpressionEngine. He also covered the workflow they use to manage changes on devot:ee.
Ryan’s slides are well annotated, so even if you weren’t able to be there (like me) for his talk, you should get a lot of out them.
Read Ryan’s presentation page, which includes a video, slides and related links: Let’s Git It On by Ryan Masuga
Prolific EE developer Leevi Graham has posted a Github gist (re: code-snippet) that explains how to add weblog tag parsing functionality to your code. Not only is this extremely useful to addon developers, but Leevi was kind enough to comment the crap out of it. Here’s the introduction:
The function below demonstrates how to use the weblog obect
to parse your own custom module / plugin tags
Usage {exp:my_plugin:use_weblog_object} ... {exp:my_plugin:use_weblog_object}
The tag will now behave like an exp:weblog:entries tag accepting the same params
Leevi is the developer of some of my favorite extensions including LG Better Meta and NSM Publish Plus. I recommend both of these addons highly for your client installs.
Tired of copying sites via (S)FTP and then editing files directly on the server? Do you wish you could keep a current snapshot of the site files in a safe version control repository and then deploy out changes as needed?
Well, Hivelogic’s Dan Benjamin has written an exhaustive tutorial on how to deploy your ExpressionEngine websites with GitHub and Capistrano (a deployment tool created for deploying Ruby on Rails sites).
Here’s Dan’s summary:
Many people are familiar with the advantages of using Git and GitHub to manage their projects and source code, but deploying an ExpressionEngine installation for deployment in this way can be a bit tricky. This article details the Capistrano recipe I’ve created specifically for automating the management and deployment of an ExpressionEngine website, with provisions for maintaining uploaded content across deployments, omitting unwanted content from the repository, setting the correct permissions, and more. The recipe also handles creating the server-side directories you’ll need to accomplish these tasks in a completely automated way.
Go expand your EE toolbelt and deploy your sites in a powerful way!
If you’ve read my Getting Started with Git and GitHub article and you’re interested in integrating Git into your website deloyment workflow, then I recommend you take a look at Deploying ExpressionEngine with Git and Capistrano, a recent article from Shape Shed.
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If you’re not familiar with Capistrano, it’s a Ruby-based deployment tool that was developed for use with Ruby on Rails. I’ve used it in the past to deploy ExpressionEngine websites using SVN, but this using Git is a nice twist. This is a great resource for those serious about deploying EE websites in a more advanced way.