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On -EE

People ask me why I’m so critical, or perhaps snarky, about add-ons, websites and services that use the -ee naming convention. After all, you big jerk, your site is called EE Insider.

Touché, touché. Of course, I would argue that this site is different because my site describes what it’s about. I’m not trying to be clever. If anything it’s a boring, uninspired name.

I think the first site to do the -ee naming scheme was Train-ee by Mike Boyink. It’s a good name. I happen to also like Devot-ee and it certainly has a better ring to it than Masuga Design Add-on Shop. Both of these happen to be real words, too.

I do think there is now an odd, unfortunate hastiness in naming your new ExpressionEngine related website something -ee but a lot of add-ons are using the naming scheme to their detriment. It isn’t original anymore and it keeps you from standing out. A clever -ee name isn’t clever at all and now that there are so many you’re being lumped in with the rest of them.

Steve: What’s that add-on again? Something “ee”…

Tim: Hmm…I don’t know there are so many.

If you don’t care about standing out or about marketing that’s okay. But you should. If you want to own your own identity and make it work for you if you create more add-ons, I recommend you keep it simple, clear and without the -ee. It can be clever, too.

A great example are the add-ons from Low. All of his add-ons have simple, descriptive names modified by his nickname.

  • Low Variables
  • Low Reorder (this used to be Reeorder and he smartly changed it after taking it over)
  • Low Alphabet
  • Low Seg2Cat
  • Low Yearly Archives

Read the entire list of add-ons and it’s a clear message: the add-ons describe what they do, are created by Low and that’s what matters. Low owns his brand.

A different example is Backup Pro by Eric Lamb. Simple and to the point. This add-on backs up your EE sites. Perfect. That’s what I need. A similar type of add-on is Safe Harbor by Tom Jaeger of EE Harbor. The name is original and accurately describes (or gives a feeling for) what the add-on does.

Neither of these backup add-ons are trying to be overly clever with their naming.

Here are more add-on names:

  • Champagne
  • FireMail
  • Store
  • Campaigner
  • Channel Images
  • User
  • Favorites
  • Assets
  • Playa

Look at the add-ons that have won an award from the community. They all have names that don’t share their branding with others: CartThrob (what a great name), Structure and Image Sizer.

You spend hours building a great add-on. Take a few minutes and name it something that doesn’t share your brand with others.

Posted on Oct 07, 2011 by Ryan Irelan

Filed Under: EE Add-ons, Life as a Web Professional

Todd D.00:27 on 10.08.2011

I see wee agree.

Boyink07:57 on 10.08.2011

I actually wasn’t the first.  You can blame Jamie Pittock for the short-lived which was going to be an e-zine about ExpressionEngine.

Train-ee made sense at the time, the domain was available, the name immediately communicated what the site’s intent was, and there wasn’t a large number of sites out there.

Would I use an convention if I were starting the site now?  Probably not.

Brian Warren14:10 on 10.08.2011

One other thing to consider is (perish the thought) if you were to take your add-on beyond EE.

Say, for instance, you made a killer EE add-on that made bacon and you called it BaconEE. Next you release it as a CodeIgniter add-on. Now you’re the nut job trying to get acceptance for BaconEE for CodeIgniter.

Ryan Irelan15:54 on 10.08.2011

Todd: Well done, sir!

Boyink: Ah, good call. You should be the community historian. Oddly, I had forgotten about Jambor-ee despite the fact that was part of the inspiration for this site.

Brian, that’s a good point. And not just because it’s about bacon!

Bransin16:52 on 10.08.2011

I agr-ee on the abov-ee, and gonna write a hierarchy addon called tr-ee.

Jacob Russell10:58 on 10.10.2011

I notice I distinct lack of fluff to this piece, what’s it doing here? wink

I also agree with the sentiment.  I get more tired of this then probably anyone else, since I look at every single add-on that goes up on devot:ee.

Ryan Masuga11:58 on 10.11.2011

I agree. If I had to rename devot:ee today I definitely wouldn’t use the -ee convention. I’d probably call it “masuga-design-add-on-shop dot com.”

I feel like I got the last good “real word” -ee domain that actually communicates what the site is about, on some level - being devoted to something.

I would like to see the end of the -ee naming era.

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