EE Add-on Builder
Luke Wilkins (he’s a developer at Vector Media Group, one of our amazing site advertisers) built a Sublime Text plugin that makes it easy to build ExpressionEngine add-on starter files.
The Sublime Text package walks you through inputting the information needed for creating the add-on type you choose and when you’re done you have the base add-on package built for you. Pretty cool stuff.
After choosing your Add-On type, you will be asked for the relevant pieces of data to get things set up. From there it’s just a matter of adding your logic to the generated Add-On! You can refer to the Expression Engine Docs for more details on Add-On development.
In the event that you wish to add a new Add-On type to an existing Add-On you’ve created (for example, you’ve created a module and now want to add an extension), simply go through the process again with the same Package Name and path and the plugin will allow you to automatically merge that in.
It’s available on Github or you can install it right in Sublime Text.