The New and ExpressionEngine
I missed this somehow when it was released in late March, but Viget redesigned their site and it is, of course, running ExpressionEngine. Front-end developer Trevor Davis wrote up a comprehensive article on how the site used EE to manage the blogs.
A couple of snippets from the article that I found interesting:
Well, we went from EE 1.6.2 to 2.4, and it was 100% seemless. Not once did we encounter an error. Pretty impressive if you ask me.
That makes me a bit more confident about a planned upgrade I have on my to-do list.
I can’t even count the number of EE sites I’ve built, but to me, the best way to define your channel structure is to use a whiteboard.
The best way to do anything is with a whiteboard!
They used a lot of the add-on you’d expect: Freeform, Wygwam, Low Reorder , Matrix, Playa, Template Variables, CE Image, Smartdown and more. The entire list is in the article.
Viget Design Director Tom Osborne also has an article from mid-March on the new Viget design.
A belated congratulations to the Viget team on the launch!
ibps exam — 03:19 on 05.30.2012
I am looking for guest bloggers and writers to contribute finance articles. You would be able to link to our site in the article.
Cleaners Christchurch — 06:57 on 02.27.2013
Expression Engine is also a great way for blogging. There are lot of Features and Facilities offered by this platform.