Moving from WordPress to ExpressionEngine
Brad Dillon recently moved his very nicely designed personal site from WordPress to ExpressionEngine. He wrote up a blog post about it, ExpressionEngine, My New Hotness:
Expression Engine doesn’t jump through “hoops”. It just does what you want it to do, and it does it like you’d expect it to. It accomplishes this by way of a ridiculously intuitive yet powerful templating language. Yes, it has it’s own language, but it’s going to be ok, I promise. The EE language is made specifically for templating, unlike PHP which is much broader and more generalized. After a couple of hours working with it, EE’s syntax starts to feel like an extension of HTML. If you’re a front-end developer, you’ll feel right at home in no time.
Brad also offers up a few comparisons between WordPress code and ExpressionEngine. Be sure to read through his whole write-up.
bjorn — 07:27 on 02.23.2009
Thanks for the link I’ve been posponing converting my personal blog from WP to EE for a long time, maybe this was the push I needed?
I’m hoping to be able to keep the URLs for my old posts the same - to keep the linkjuice and not having to redirect users. Think it’s possible. If I do I’ll post how I did it at least.
bluedreamer — 10:30 on 02.23.2009
I so love the screwdriver analogy that Brad makes!