Mijingo Training Materials Discount for EECI Attendees
Between today and the EECI conference in October, Mijingo (my company) is offering a very, very special deal to all EECI attendees. You have to have already registered to get the discount. See below for all of the details.
Stock up now and get ready for October
First, you get 40% off any of our EE training materials in the Mijingo store. Yes, even the popular 4 hour ExpressionEngine video tutorial that will teach you how to build a website from beginning to end.
I also worked with the publisher of my ExpressionEngine 2 book to get you a 25% discount on the ebook.
The discount is only for attendees. To receive it, please send proof of your registration and I’ll send over both discount codes.
Registered? Email me now to get the discount codes. Get to learning and I’ll see you in Texas!