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Over a series of 8 videos, watch and learn as Ryan builds an entire ExpressionEngine website from beginning to end. Get started now.

Learn EE Add-on Development from Low

EE add-on developer (of the year!) Low Schutte is teaching a class at EEUK on add-on development. The class takes place the day before the main conference. Here’s the description:

You’ve built your fair share of EE sites and have used third party add–ons on multiple occasions. You’re pretty sure what the difference is between an Extension and a Module. Perhaps you’ve read a “Hello World” plugin tutorial online somewhere, and maybe you’ve even downloaded a template package from But, as you might have found out, one does not simply build an add–on.

Following his EECI talk and recent screencast, Low will explain the thought process behind building an add–on. What choices have to be made, what resources can be used and how to write clean and efficient code. We will build an add–on from scratch, covering the basics and slightly more advanced topics.

I worked with Low on his ExpressionEngine add-on development screencast and I can vouch for his excellence as a teacher. Low can organize and explain difficult concepts with ease. If his video and past conference talks are any indication this class at EEUK should be a must-attend class for anyone that is interested in learning about ExpressionEngine development.

You can attend the conference and learn from Low for only £399. It included lunch during Low’s class and during the conference plus the after-party fun.

Learn more and register at

Posted on Feb 20, 2013 by Ryan Irelan

Filed Under: Conferences