EECI 2011 Presentation Slides
The speakers at EECI have been linking to their slides on Twitter and there have been a couple of collections popping up.
Jason Siffring put together an EECI Cheat Sheet that contains links to all of the presentation slides that are available, including related information like blog posts. Very, very cool.
Sean Smith also put together a list of slide links in the EE Forums. Because of past “pruning episodes” at the EE Forums, it’s not a reliable place long term for information to be stored, so be sure to bookmark the compilation by Siffring. Below I’ve also listed out the slides, too. Thanks to the speakers for publishing their slides and for everyone who helped compile them.
- Erik Reagan: Debugging Site Problems
- Paul Burton: Don’t Call me a Freelancer
- Lowell Kitchen: Installing, managing, & hosting over 250 ExpressionEngine sites
- Low Schutte: Parse Order Pro
- Aaron Gustafson: Progressive Enhancement
- Matt Weinberg: 10 Ways to Rock ExpressionEngine
- Erik Reagan: Environments & Version Control: The Why & How
- Brian Warren: Happy Clients
- Rob Sanchez: The Beast Within
- Jacob Russell: EE, faster
- Greg Aker: EE Performance
Travis Schmeisser — 11:14 on 10.25.2011
My slides are here: