EE Developer Conversation - Episode 2
Editors Note: EE add-on developers Eric Lamb and Ben Croker have a message and some audio for you to listen to. They sat down on Skype, hit the Record button, and shared their thoughts about EECI and EE add-on development.
After the last Developer Conversation, almost 2 months ago, Ben and I recieved some really encouraging feedback. The reception was even a little overwhelming at times. It seems there’s very much an audience for this type of content. So we figured we’d release another one and see what happens. Again.
This time Ben and I discuss the recent changes to EllisLab, Blocks CMS, some good friends and interesting code, official add-on support with Stack Exchange, EEUK, the AcadamEE Awards and some other goodies.
As always, let us know what you think in the comments or on Twitter (@mithra62 and @ben_pylo).
Have a listen to their recording and be sure to give them feedback.