- Parsemail by KeesTM
Use embeds, conditionals and EE tags in your email templates, just like any other page. Supports Email Notification Templates.
- Easy PW Change by EpicVoyage
Make password changes easy for users with limited Control Panel access.
- Yahoo Weather ($) by 25hweb
This plugin allows you to display current weather conditions, and forecast for the next day in a particular city.
The weather conditions are provided using the weather information from Yahoo Weather.
It’s possible to use custom icons.
- Lock Entry ($) by Denver
Ever changed one entry at the same time with another editor? No worries, this Lock Entry add-on will help you! It will lock an entry as soon as an editor starts editing this entry, and every other editor will be warned about the entry lock. Never overwrite each others entries again!
Brendan Underwood — 20:41 on 09.20.2012
Any ideas if Parsemail works with Freeform as well?