- Ministash (for EE1) by Dibeja
The Ministash Plugin is aimed to give EE1.x users the opportunity to use partials and layouts.
- Export Members ($) by Drez Design
Export member registration data and custom fields to an Excel spreadsheet.
- Nerdyform by KeesTM
Forms for hackers. Allows full EE template parsing in your email templates. Configured via template tags.
- GWcode FileInfo by Leon Dijk (GWcode)
Get information about files on your server.
- Reword by Jean-Francois Paradis
An equivalent to translate() or __() in Wordpress which translates a given string using a dictionary. This implementation can also handle placeholders (eg: Hello %s) and can translate dates formats (eg: Today is %d).
- Shortlist ($) by Joel Bradbury
Shortlist is a quick and painless way to allow site visitors to create lists of items on the fly. Shorlist lets you add anything to a list. User’s don’t even need to have accounts with your site to create, keep and share their list.
- Redactee ($) by Jack McDade (Lobster War Machine)
Redactor, the wonderfully simple and lightweight WYSIWYG editor is now lives as an EE Fieldtype, under the secret identity known as “Redactee”. Use it as a Channel Field, Matrix Field, a Low Variable Field… even in Safecracker. Simple to use, feature-rich, and smooth as butter. Supports image browsing and image / file uploads, even to Amazon S3.
Gemstones Wholesale India — 05:13 on 09.14.2012
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