- VMG Chosen Member (for EE2) by Matt Weinberg (Vector Media Group)
VMG Chosen Member is a fieldtype allowing the AJAX selection of one or more members inside an entry. It’s specifically designed for use on sites with a large amount of members, in cases where a regular select dropdown with thousands of options would decrease publish page performance. It includes autocomplete capabilities and the friendly selection/listing of large numbers of users using a modified version of the Chosen JavaScript plugin. VMG Chosen Member can be used alone, within Matrix, or within Low Variables.
- EZ Image Resize ($, for EE2) by Vim Interactive, Inc.
EZ Resize brings the best features of CE Image into your text, text-areas and WYSIWYG field types. Allowing you to control image size, quality and much more inside of a multi-image field like WYGWAM.
- AJAX Pagination (for EE1 & EE2) by Laisvunas
Allows you to display content from multiple pages using Ajax. Any ExpressionEngine tag outputting pagination links is supported!
- Pages URI (for EE2) by Onno Groen
A simple button that copies the URL title field contents to the Pages URI field. Great for customers who don’t understand the Pages URI field.
- EE PromoteJS (for EE1 & EE2) by Greg Ferrell
The Promotejs EE (1 and 2) plugin is an adaptation of Remy Sharp’s WP plugin for: http://promotejs.com Rotates the Promote JS keywords and outputs the image link.
- States (for EE2) by Todd Perkins
Loop through US states and display long name / short name values. Great for select drop downs.
- Hide Template Groups (for EE2) by Todd Perkins
Hide template groups from pages module.
- Eventbrite (for EE2) by Todd Perkins
Eventbrite EE2 module.
- GitHub (for EE2) by Addict Add-ons
Need to show GitHub data on your ExpressionEngine 2 site? This’ll do that.
- ParamEEter (for EE2) by Protean Web
ParamEEter is a simple plugin that converts text (perhaps stored in a text field) into EE tag parameters, with various useful options.