- Zenbu Tag formatting (for EE2) by Nicolas Bottari
Formats Solspace’s Tag Fieldtypes in Zenbu entry results and modifies how tags are displayed in Zenbu columns.
- Suggest Field (for EE2) by Eoghan O’Brien
ExpressionEngine fieldtype, almost identical to the native text field with the added benefit that it will search previous values and autosuggest them to the editor.
- MX Select Plus ($, for EE2) by Max Lazar
This add-on makes long, unwieldy select boxes much more user-friendly with Chosen plugin. It is also opens the option to the user to add new items into the list “on the fly”. You can setup to save new options on field level (to be available for choosing in all entrees) or just once. Support Matrix-like fields, Low Variables, SafeCracker.
- MX Lone Star (for EE2) by Max Lazar
MX Lone Star is small fieldtype which you can use to replace standard checkbox. But the real power of this fieldtypes is opened in Matrix-like fields - you can limited choosing in this fieldtype per row or/and per column. Look on screenshots and video.
- YQL (for EE2) by Paramore (Jesse Bunch)
The YQL plugin will make it easy to consume and cache your YQL queries directly from your ExpressionEngine templates.
- MX GetID3 (for EE2) by Max Lazar
MX GetID3() extracts useful information from MP3s & other multimedia file formats (based on GetID3 library).
- CE Tweet ($, for EE2) by Causing Effect (Aaron Waldon)
CE Tweet enables you to display and consume Twitter in your ExpressionEngine templates
- Show Once (for EE2) by Yuri Salimovskiy (IntoEEtive)
Show Once is the module for ExpressionEngine 2 that allows showing certain content to a user only once (during their first visit).
- JC Redirect (for EE2) by Jensa
Needed a redirect after login based on group_id and couldn’t make other plugins work since they all send the redirect when the plugin is parsed the first time. This one does that to, but allows you to set different locations for group_id’s 1 to 10 as well as a default. That way it’s dead easy to use.