- SocialCount ($, for EE2) by websecret
This plugin returns counts of likes from social networks: facebook.com, twitter.com and vk.com and caches the counts to the cache folder. The plugin can write result to channel field, for sorting for example.
- Structure Sub Pages (for EE2) by Rein de Vries
A small plugin that retrieves the sub pages from the structure module. Handy when you want to grab the first subpage in row, or to redirect directly to its subpages when you hit the parent page.
- Image Autosizer (for EE2) by EpicVoyage
Automatically resize entry images. Stop rejecting uploads that are “too big” from non-savvy users.
- cpb Trigger Shelf (for EE2) by Curtis Blackwell
cpb Trigger Shelf is an ExpressionEngine 2 accessory that makes Parse19’s Trigger accessible via a keyboard shortcut.