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Your Weekly Devot:ee - June 21, 2012


  • CE Lossless ($, for EE2) by Causing Effect (Aaron Waldon)
    CE Lossless is an extension to the CE Image add-on for ExpressionEngine that losslessly compresses images.
  • Ending (for EE2) by Mark Spurlock
    Outputs just the end of a string. Like character limit in reverse. You can use it to select a certain number of characters from the end, or tell it to look for a particular substring and have it select everything after that (for example, selecting everything after the “@” in an email address to get the email provider).
  • URL Tube (for EE2) by Mark Spurlock
    Using just the URL from a YouTube video, this plugin can create video embeds and thumbnails, of whatever size you like, for use in your templates.
  • Segfault (for EE2) by Mark Spurlock
    ExpressionEngine 2 plugin to provide default fallback values for URL segment variables.
  • Simple MailChimp ($, for EE2) by Jeremy Worboys
    Simple MailChimp is a simple way to display a MailChimp sign-up form on your website.
  • Auto Pages URI ($, for EE2) by Laurence Cope
    It can be confusing to have a Pages URI and a URL Title for customers. They may ask why both, and you have to get all technical. Most situations will require the Pages URI to be the same as the URL Title. Therefore the Auto Pages URI fieldtype automatically converts your page Title into the Pages URI based on the Title. To put it another way, it will copy the URL Title to the Pages URI automatically when you enter the entry Title. It is actually based on the process to create the URI Title.
  • Category Mirror (for EE2) by Joel Bradbury
    Ever need to apply an entries categories to other entries? Category Mirror. It’s an ExpressionEngine 2.x extension that will take a parent entry’s categories, and assign them to a set of children entries.
  • Control Panel Menu Shortcuts (for EE2) by Laurence Cope
    An ExpressionEngine Extension. CP Shortcuts will list all your custom main menu buttons (added with the +Add button) under one main menu button, reducing main menu clutter. Especially useful if you have or want many main menu buttons.
  • Forms JS validation (for EE2) by Rein de Vries
    This little plugin will add JavaScript validation to exisiting forms. No more hacking in the JS files, just one plugin witch will handle all the stuff for you. It is compatible with all kind of forms, even with the form module from DevDemon.

Posted on Jun 21, 2012 by Ryan Masuga

Filed Under: Weekly Devot:ee