- Link Vault Zipper (for EE2) by Masuga Design
The Link Vault Zipper extension is a companion add-on to the Link Vault module. It allows you to zip multiple files on the fly for a user to download using Link Vault’s regular template tags. The zipped files are tracked individually in the download log as if the user downloaded multiple files separately.
- Registration Emails (for EE2) by koivi
This extension sends notification and welcome messages when a new user is registered.
- Jewish Calendar Conversion (for EE2) by Boots Highland
The Jewish Calendar Conversion plugin takes a Gregorian/Civil Calendar date and returns the corresponding Jewish/Hebrew Calendar date.
- Google Latlng Lookup (for EE2) by No Two The Same
Geocode look up of Latitude and Longitude using Googles Geocode service for the CP. The fieldtype has 3 fields: one is editable for the address and the other two show the returned co-ordinates. All three fields or the combined co-ordinate is available. There’s also a little map preview of the returned co-ordinates so the user can check if Google has found the right place!
- VL Category Groups ($, for EE2) by Viget Labs
The VL Category Groups plugin allows you to retrieve category groups and their categories from a certain channel or list of category groups.
- Shine PDF (for EE2) by Shine Marketing
Generates PDFs on-the-fly from ExpressionEngine templates.
- JVL Currency (for EE2) by Jan Van Lysebettens
A simple fieldtype that makes it easy to add a currency to a field, for example, to add a “price” to a channel entry.
GDmac — 05:10 on 06.15.2012
I wanted to look at ShinePDF, looks interesting.
However, the linked page on devot-ee only has a link to its documentation,
and there is no link to any download. (sad-face)