- Show Me My Assets! (for EE2) by Michael Rog
Replaces the CP link to the default EE File Manager with a link to the Assets module’s awesome file browser.
- OmniLog (for EE2) by Stephen Lewis (Experience Internet)
System-wide message log, for use by ExpressionEngine add-on developers.
- PS Languish (for EE2) by Patrick Stinnett
Easy translation plugin that can be used for pulling data from a language file.
- cpb Garnish (for EE2) by Curtis Blackwell
cpb Garnish is an ExpressionEngine 2 plugin that allows you to control the case of text between its tag pairs.
- Cat2 (for EE2) by Mark Croxton
Convert between category name, category id and category url title. Query results are cached, so you can use the same tag multiple times in your template without extra overhead.
- News Bar ($, for EE2) by Ahmedeng
News bar is powerful extension for creating news bar ticker from channels entries automatically.and with simple plugin to display the news bar.
- Multiplaya (for EE2) by Mark Croxton
Extends the Playa module to allow retrieval of parent/child relationships for multiple entry ids. Specifically, you can add multiple entry ids to the entry_id parameter.
- Social Login ($, for EE2) by Yuri Salimovskiy (IntoEEtive)
Social Login enables people to log in into your site using their account in social networks (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc.)
??????? — 04:56 on 07.29.2011
http://www.soho-watch.com/ ?