- Force SSL ($, for EE2) by EpicVoyage
Easily configure how your SSL certificate is used in combination with EE. Supports HSTS.
- Gmaps (for EE2) by Rein de Vries
Always have trouble with the intergration of Google Maps on your site? Always struggling to get it work? Well, those days are gone with the Gmaps plugin for ExpressionEngine. You can now easily create maps, markers, polygon, routes and more! It supports all major functionality of the Google Maps API and more will come.
- Seed (for EE2) by Joel Bradbury
A good developer is a lazy developer. Stop making dummy test entries by hand. Use Seed to make them for you.
- Encaf Clique (for EE2) by Chad Crowell (Encaffeinated)
Clique can show or hide template content based on if the currently logged in member is in the group(s) you specify. It does this by looking at the currently logged in member’s group_id, and comparing that to the list of group_id’s that you pass into Clique using the groups parameter.
- weserv (for EE1 & EE2) by Lavi Yatziv
If you would rather not set up a bunch of thumbnails across your templates just plunk down this plugin!
- Data Import (for EE2) by Percipio
Allow data to be imported from a remote/local database table to Channel, Matrix and Expresso Store fields.