- FreeMember (for EE2) by Exp:resso
Using FreeMember, you can finally release your member templates from the shackles of “member profile templates”, without dropping all your cash on basic CMS functionality.
- Store ($, for EE2) by Exp:resso
Exp:resso Store is both exceptionally powerful and simple to use. Flexible product variations and stock control are integrated with the power of ExpressionEngine channel entries. Clear, easy to follow documentation and examples, combined with comprehensive reporting and back-end functionality make Expresso Store is the perfect choice for your next e-commerce website!
- Google Sitemap Lite (for EE2) by Rein de Vries
This plugin creates a (Google) sitemap based on the Structure/Taxonomy/Navee module. You can generate a sitemap for all content or only the pages (Structure).