- PDF Thumbs by Andy Hebrank
Simple PDF thumbnailing using ImageMagick convert.
- Time Date - Low Variables Type by Natetronn
Time Date is a Low Variables Type which provides a LV compatible date/time picker.
- DS Sub Channel ($) by Dion Snoeijen (Sanity11)
Create and edit entries straight from your publish area.
- Email Form ($) by Rein de Vries
Create simple and easily emails froms within your templates. Define your own fields, and use the dynamically created variables inside the email template tag. Nothing fancy in the control panel, just simple building your email, with template inside your template file.
- MODL Social Widgets by Minds On Design Lab
An ExpressionEngine 2.x plugin consisting of an evolving collection of social widgets to help a website get social. Add supported social network share widgets to your templates using easy to use EE tags.