- VZ Buyers (for EE2) by Eli Van Zoeren
Add-on to Exp:resso Store. Displays a list of people who have bought each product.
- Snaptcha ($, for EE2) by PutYourLightsOn (Ben Croker)
Snaptcha is an invisible captcha and will be the last time you will ever have to think about protecting your forms from spam bots.
- Wiki Comments ($, for EE2) by Percipio
This module creates a relationship between a wiki page and a channel entry - it does this by automatically creating / deleting a channel entry every time a wiki page is created / deleted. Adding comments is just one option you can do - if you add some channel fields to your channel the possibilities for your wiki are endless.
- Invitations ($, for EE2) by Yuri Salimovskiy (IntoEEtive)
Building closed community with ExpressionEngine has just become easier! Generate signup codes from CP, or let people generate them on frontend. View usage stats, associate users with people they invited, - and even let them earn credits for bringing referrals.
- BMS Page Type (for EE2) by Ben Martin
This plugin allows you to change the template type on the fly. Useful if you use a single template with logic to either display entries or rss feeds.