- HTML5 Fields ($, for EE2) by Toby Evans
This fieldtype adds html5 input types: text, url, email, number, range & tel; as well as the applicable attributes: placeholder, pattern, min/max/step, multiple, required, etc.
- Wufee ($, for EE2) by Chris Monnat
The simple way to connect your EE site with your Wufoo account.
- Authenticate (for EE2) by Objectivehtml
Authenticate brings proper member authentication into ExpressionEngine with inline error handling, removes the ugly redirect screens, and supports logging in with an e-mail address opposed to a username. Authenticate supports forgot password forms too.
- Safecracker Registration ($, for EE2) by Objectivehtml
Safecracker Registration brings member management into your Channels by extending the all-mighty Safecracker. Safecracker Registration is perfect for those sites that just need a simple member registration form, but need to use Channel Fields to store the data.