- VL File Generator ($) by Viget Labs
Need to load dynamic CSS or JSON faster? Let VL File Generator store your dynamic templates as flat files for quicker load.
- S3 Directory by Derek Hogue (Amphibian Design)
This simple fieldtype allows you to select an existing file from an Amazon S3 bucket, and then output useful info about it. This is not for uploading, editing, or deleting files in your S3 buckets. It’s essentially a simple file browser.
- Better Pagination by Brian Litzinger
This extension was created to replace the native pagination links e.g. /template-group/template/P1, with something… more usable.
- Channel Variables ($) by AutumnDev
The Channel Variables Extension allow you to run Snippets, Global Variables and user defined Global Variables from within channel entries.
- FI Cookie Purge (also for EE1) by Simon Jones
This extension destroys specified cookies that are automatically set by ExpressionEngine, unless the user has indicated their acceptance to receive them. It helps ExpressionEngine sites to comply with The Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003.
- MH Index by Mike Heavers
The Index plugin simply outputs the current index of an entry within the channel entries loop. This is the same as the {count} tag but starts from 0 instead of 1. Just surround the {count} tag with this tag pair.
- Login Count by Yuri Salimovskiy (IntoEEtive)
Login Count is the module and extension for ExpressionEngine 2 that counts how many times the user has logged in.
- Override_site_name by GDmac
Change {site_name} to the one you actually specified in index.php with assign_to_config