- Link Vault ($, for EE2) by Masuga Design
Link Vault allows you to protect your local and remote download links, track all downloads, track and block leech attempts and disguise any other link URLs you’d like to protect. There are also hooks available so you can extend Link Vault’s functionality.
- Nolan (for EE2) by iain
Nolan enables a very simple matrix style field within a Pixel & Tonic Matrix field
- Evo Google Weather ($, for EE2) by EEvolution
Display weather updates on your ExpressionEngine templates from the Google weather API.
- Sight (for EE2) by Electric Putty
Sight is a plugin for enabling/switching between certain accessibility CSS file options.
- String Injector ($, for EE2) by KMD
Ever wanted to add a <br> only after the first word in a text string ? Or ever wanted to split a text by 2 <p> with different classes ?
Brendan Underwood — 22:11 on 04.19.2012
There’s also a free plugin for Google Weather that I’ve used on a website recently:
Allows you to specify language too which is important because Googles Weather API isn’t quite up with which countries need to display F vs C temperatures. It thinks that Australia uses F, where we use C. We had to specify en-GB as the language, which doesn’t look like it’s possible with ‘Evo Google Weather’.