Wufee hooks Wufoo into EE
Chris Monnat, who previously brought us dashEE, released a new add-on today called Wufee.
Your favorite form builder now integrated with your favorite content management system! Wufee leverages the Wufoo API to bring all your Wufoo data into EE and allow you to view and integrate it with your website.
Wufee connects ExpressionEngine to Wufoo, the popular form creation and mangagement system from SurveyMonkey. So, how does it interact with Wufoo?
Wufoo users will be able to access their forms, fields, entries and reports all from within the EE control panel. The module ships with a full featured control panel interface (see video above), an accessory so you can access your form data anywhere from within the control panel, a custom fieldtype for relating your Wufoo forms with channel entries, template tags for displaying forms and entries on your website and dashEE compatible widgets so you can access your forms and reports right from your EE dashboard.
To see Wufee in action, be sure to watch the overview video that Chris put together.