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What They’re Saying About EE

This is a on-going series of entries where I highlight EE experiences.

Dear @ellislab, the three pages of “New” bug reports is becoming worrisome. #eecms #development

Paul Burdick via Twitter

Paul’s tweet set off a small discussion on Twitter about the bug list, some talk of “perspective” and even a comparison of EE to a situation Drupal.

I looked through the list and there are definitely some bugs that haven’t been assigned that were filed back in August. It’s hard to say what this means, if anything, because I don’t have insight into how the development team at EllisLab handles bug reports and assignments.

There are definitely some bugs from EE 2.2.1 that weren’t fixed in EE 2.2.2. But let’s not forget that EE 2.2.2 was a maintenance update to fix an issue with how new member accounts are created. It only includes a small set of bugs compared to the previous EE 2.2.1. All that to say, I’m hopeful that the next release will contain an entire batch of fixes to address some of the minor yet annoying issues from EE 2.2.1 and previous.

What’s your take? Do you feel like you’re bug reports aren’t being addressed or that you’re fighting the same bugs in every release? Or are things running smoothly? My experience has been that EE 2.2.2 is a very nice release and has been running great for me at (Publish Layouts notwithstanding).

Posted on Sep 13, 2011 by Ryan Irelan

Filed Under: What They're Saying About EE

Steven00:05 on 09.14.2011

If some bugs are taking longer to fix then perhaps some feedback from EllisLab to explain the delay?

GDmac00:49 on 09.14.2011

Sometimes enthusiasm after re-assuring blogposts, UI-questionaires, or forecast. Then after time, the tire deflates.

Neil05:25 on 09.14.2011

I am consistently worried about EE bugs. I have not handed over an EE2 project to a client without worrying about an existing bug, or warning the client off it - its a horrible state of affairs.
Bigger worries for me are bugs that get fixed in one revision and then re-appear in the next version like they forgot about that fix and went back to the old method.
I am seriously down on EE at the moment, i love the system, but i think a clean up is needed.

Paul07:28 on 09.14.2011

On the note of EllisLab feedback.

I seem to recall back with the Kennygate discussion, that Ellislab said they would work harder to be more present with their information to the community. I could be wrong but it seems that this has not really happened. The last blog post was almost a month ago and as for Leslie D. Friday roundups, the last one was June 27. Perhaps they are just to busy but it seems that discontent is rearing its ugly head again and one would expect a swift response.

Stephen07:35 on 09.14.2011

I’d like to see the Development Team try to introduce a “Bug Tracker Zero” policy/SLA, similar to “Inbox Zero.” Certainly, working towards this would be a good improvement on how it is currently.

In the same way that the Support Team might aim for respond to support requests in a timely manner, I think the Development Team should be aiming to turn around bug reports much quicker than they’re currently doing.

For me, the stability of the product comes before any new features, and more time/staff should be set aside each week for dealing with and keeping on top of these, if the current level of resource allocation isn’t keeping up with demand.

I realise that fixing bugs is boring work for the Development Team compared to implementing exciting new features, but you know the saying, ‘that’s what you get paid for!’ And the quicker they fix these bugs, the quicker they can get onto the fun work! smile

The fact that there’s so many bug reports that haven’t even been assigned, doesn’t fill me with hope that they’re being worked on behind the scenes either. I’ve waited months to get bugs looked at and fixed in the past, and I don’t think this is good enough.