Weekly Wrap: Friday; November 23, 2012
To everyone in the USA, Happy Thanksgiving! I spent a few hours yesterday eating food, having a few drinks and spending time away from the computer. I hope you were able to do the same.
I am certainly thankful for the ExpressionEngine community and everyone that has been to supportive of EE Insider over the last (almost) 4 years. We celebrate our fourth anniversary in January and in the online world where things come and go quickly, I am thankful to still be writing on this site and grateful that you’re still reading.
As I mentioned in my EECI talk last month, some of the greatest things in the community come from outside the ExpressionEngine software and EllisLab. We have amazing choices of add-ons, software, and services. And, as I pointed out in my talk, many people in our community have great personal stories of how they came to the community and how it has helped them succeed. We should certainly be thankful for that.
The ExpressionEngine Stack Exchange proposal (and now beta) that kicked off right as EECI was wrapping up was the proof of what I tried to convey in my talk. We have a great thing going in the community and we should be proud of it.
So, as you’re winding down the week and easing into your weekend, here’s the community news from the week. Cheers to you!
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Congressional Inaugural Committee website launched using EE
Brett Bearce reports that website of the committee that handles the US Presidential Inauguration was relaunched and now runs ExpressionEngine! Congrats to Brett on his hard work bringing EE to yet another high profile site!
EE Syntax Highlighter for Prism.js
Justim Kimbrell authored a Prism.js EE syntax highlighter for Prism.js, “lightweight, extensive syntax highlighter.”
Entry API 2.2 Released
A new version of Entry API was released and it added some hooks and bug fixes.
FreeForm Update
Solspace’s FreeForm module was updated with some bug fixes. Happy free forming!
DevDemon Updates
I’ll just get them all in one post this time. DevDemon updated Channel Images, Forms and Editor. Get all of the details on the DevDemon site.
Snaptcha Now Supports ProForm
Ben Croker’s Snaptcha add-on was updated to include support for ProForm.
This Week on the Blog
- Low on Low Search
- Vim Interactive EE Info Graphic
- PSA: EllisLab Site Maintenance and Support Closure Information
- The ExpressionEngine Stack Exchange Site Needs You!
- Your Weekly Devot:ee - November 21, 2012
- EE Help Chat Tonight. Be There or be Square.
- Nicolas Bottari Launches Zenbu Studio
And that’s a wrap. See you next week!