Weekly Wrap for the Week of January 7th - Add Your News
It’s a new week, and a new chance to make awesome involving ExpressionEngine. We’ll compile the Weekly Wrap this Friday, so make sure your news gets added.
To add your news, simply add a comment to this thread, or tweet using the hashtag #eenews.
We look forward to showcasing you and your news!
Anna @mediagirl — 13:06 on 01.15.2013
The EE StackExchange site has successfully met the user rep requirements in just 60 days!
150 users with 200+ rep (on pace for 164 users at 90 days)
10 users with 2,000+ rep (on pace for 11 users at 90 days)
5 users with 3,000+ rep (on pace for 7 users at 90 days)