ThemeSquirrel Interview with Bj
In addition to having the coolest name in the ExpressionEngine community (find a cooler one, I challenge you), Bjørn is also one half of AddOnBakery and part of new a development shop. He was recently interviewed at ThemeSquirrel about his work converting and selling themes for ExpressionEngine.
My themes are just a side business, sort of a “trial” to see if there was a market for EE themes. Turns out there was, but it’s not a huge one like for WordPress. My other business is my addon business (which mentioned will soon be moved to – my most popular addons are SEO Lite (free), AB Pagination (commercial) which makes it easier to implement custom pagination design in EE and Simple Registration (commercial) which makes it easier to create beautiful signup forms in EE.
Joe — 20:08 on 08.04.2012
Thanks for the post Ryan - I hope everyone enjoyed the interview, and let us know how we can improve.