The Unofficial #FRUP for August 3, 2012
So is the
— Joel Bradbury (@joelbradbury) August 3, 2012#eecms#frup dead these days?
Nature abhors a vacuum.
Here’s this week’s weekly round-up of goings on in the ExpressionEngine community:
- TJ Draper launched “a fun new ExpressionEngine site:” MoviByte.
- Low released Low Events 1.0.3, which included new features, like default duration setting and showing passed event.
- Low also released Low Reorder 2.0.4.
- Stephen Lewis released Testee 2.2, which now allows you to automate unit testing of your EE add-ons.
- Joel Bradbury released Seed 1.0. Seed is a great add-on that lets you easily populate your site with seed data. I wrote about it and created a video.
- Eric Lamb’s Meetup add-on is now free to everyone. Yes, even you. Be sure to check out Eric’s other add-ons, too.
- Nicolas Botarri released Zenbu 1.6.1 this week. It includes a few fixes and his previous release included five new features and several fixes and improvements.
Have a good weekend and don’t frup around sitting on the sofa.
(How’d I do?)
Eric Lamb — 23:48 on 08.03.2012
Ah man! You totally forgot that Meetup is free on Devot:ee now and a killer update to Securit:ee that adds a new style of Forgot Password to an EE site.
It’s cool though; you’re still new at this
Ryan Irelan — 23:50 on 08.03.2012
Sorry, Eric! I didn’t see it in the FRUP Twitter search I ran. I’ll edit the post.
Natetronn — 23:58 on 08.03.2012
I didn’t know there was a new frup so I didn’t, well, frup :(
Ryan Irelan — 00:06 on 08.04.2012
It’s never too late to frup. Whatcha got, Nate?
Ryan Battles — 20:39 on 08.04.2012
Really frustrated with @ellislab for dropping the ball on communication stuff like this, but really encouraged by the community that doesn’t let it die. Thanks for putting the FRUP together this week.