Setting Up Varnish for ExpressionEngine
Over on the ExpressionEngine blog, software developer Kevin Cupp wrote about what Varnish is and how to install and configure it.
The idea of caching is familiar: why waste resources regenerating the same content from scratch on each page view? But Varnish takes it a bit further by stepping in before the request even makes it to ExpressionEngine or Apache (or your favorite HTTP server). Even better, it can intercept a request before it hits the disk!
It’s a nicely done, in-depth article for people who are running their own servers and have the capability to install software–or for people like me who just want to learn more about how Varnish works.
If you don’t run your own server (like me) and need Varnish, you should look to see if your host has it available. As an example, I run on the great EngineHosting and Varnish is an add-on to their managed service.