May 2011 Net Magazine EE How-to
The latest issue of Net Magazine (May 2011), which just hit the newsstands and home delivery in the UK features a 4-page how-to article, authored by yours truly, on building a simple portfolio website with ExpressionEngine.
The article is definitely aimed at people newer to EE, who are looking for a real-world application of this ExpressionEngine CMS they’ve heard so much about. It includes all of the template code and assets you need to build the simple site on your own. But there’s certainly something there for everyone, even if you wanted to reaffirm how you approach building EE sites.
If you want to buy a digital version of the magazine (available only through Zinio), you can do that easily for $7.99 (they even have an iPad app, see below) The print version of the magazine will be available in the US in April.
Flinger — 09:53 on 04.01.2011
Congrats, Ryan!! This is exactly the type of awesome we know you’re able to do. Love this. Keep up the awesome.