ExpressionEngine Videos Now in HD
I first released my series of ExpressionEngine video tutorials in 2008. That was back before EE2 was released and even before the infamous “Summer of 2008” came and went.
Last year, I released an updated version of the videos, with a brand new example site, under my own Mijingo imprint and redid them for the ExpressionEngine 2.1 public release.
Today marks another milestone in the videos that helped countless people learn EE. This update to the series includes completely redone videos in HD size (1280x720) The larger sized videos will make it easier to watch them at fullscreen or on bigger screens.
The videos still only cost $48 for about 4 hours of training over 8 different videos. That’s a tremendous deal to quickly get up and running with EE.
Read the announcement at the Mijingo blog and if you haven’t tried the videos before, today is a great time to get started.
Thomas Sausen — 11:46 on 10.19.2011
and for the people who bought this series at release?