EU Cookie Law Compliance Tutorial
In this .net magazine article, Andrew Fairlie runs through the basics of bringing your EE site in compliance with the new EU cookie law using the Cookie Consent module available from EllisLab.
[F]or this article I’m going to make the argument that if we want cookies for other things such as Google Analytics, serving ads, A/B testing and the countless other things you may wish to do in EE, then we may as well have one single up-front message covering it all in one go.
Jonathan — 12:38 on 06.21.2012
I think you meant “cookie” in the title??
Ryan Irelan — 12:44 on 06.21.2012
Ha, thanks! Pre-coffee blogging strikes again.
Andrew Fairlie — 03:20 on 06.22.2012
Thanks for the mention, Ryan. Our agency is relaunching our own site over the next few days, but once it’s live I’m going to be sharing a nice little jQuery plugin that extends EE cookies even further.
Simon — 03:14 on 10.05.2012
Can anyone bring me up to speed with the new EU law? I want to continue using EE, but it seems I need to learn about this new EU cookie law before I am able to proceed. I want my site to be compliant.