EE Podcast: Big Changes for EE & EllisLab
There’s been a lot of discussion over the recent changes at EllisLab. Various community members, including EE Insider’s Ryan Irelan and Eric Lamb, weigh in on the changes and so, not to be outdone, the EE Podcast throws their opinion into the ring!
We discuss what EllisLab’s and EE’s evolution may mean for developers and the future of the software. From the new site design to paid support to partner relationships, today’s episode offer opinions on the good and the “remains to be seen.”
Correction Nov 29, 2012 4pm MT: On the podcast, we made a couple of errors that we’d like to clarify. We mentioned that the previous commercial pricing and non-commercial pricing were $249 and $99, respectively. This is incorrect. Previous commercial licenses were at $299.95 and non-commercial was $149.95, with the Freelancer license at $99.95. Additionally, the podcast has heard that Derek Jones will be talking more about EllisLab and Enterprise in the near future, so stay tuned for that!