EE Database Migrations with Logged Queries
An interesting approach to EE site deployment by Krasimir Tsonev where he logs out all queries required to make changes to an EE site (add channels, fields, etc) and the re-runs those queries in another environment.
It’s a somewhat manual, requires changing core files but also possibly a workable database migration for ExpressionEngine.
I have several servers and every one of them has its own database. There are changes in my local database which I have to transfer to the others. I don’t need to export/import the whole database. I need only the latest changes which I’ve just made. Ok so … if I inject some code just before to send something to the mysql I’ll be able to log all the queries. Doing this I’ll have the exact requests to the database and will be able to execute them on the other machines.
Has anyone else tried something like this?