Building an ExpressionEngine Plugin Tutorial
Speaking of add-on development, Wes Baker of EllisLab posted a lengthy tutorial on the ExpressionEngine blog (yes, that’s right, something other than #FRUP) on building an ExpressionEngine plugin. In the tutorial Wes builds a replacement for the Magpie Plugin (originally by EllisLab alum Paul Burdick):
I want to walk you through writing a plugin, the best first step towards building ExpressionEngine add-ons. This tutorial will be a start-to-finish adventure, starting with the plugin skeleton and working our way to putting it on GitHub for everyone to download. I’ll explain my methods and my approach to building plugins, and by extension, software in general. Additionally, this particular plugin will be replacing the aging Magpie plugin, since Magpie is no longer being maintained.
Ready to learn plugin development? Follow along with Wes and his tutorial.