Beanstalk Web Hook for EE Deployments
I love Beanstalk. We use it at Happy Cog and I use it on my personal projects (like this site). Their deployment tool is easy to use and because it uses (S)FTP, you can deploy to any server.
Christopher Imrie at moresoda tweaked EE Beanstalk deployments a little with an add-on that empties the cache after a new deployment:
This can present a slight problem when you have enabled caching on your ExpressionEngine powered site, since the system will be unaware of changes to any templates since they are being served statically until the cache expires. ideally we would want ExpressionEngine to refresh its cache after each Beanstalk deployment.
Hence we use a small in house add-on that utilises Beanstalk’s “Web Hooks” feature. Web Hooks are simply web addresses that Beanstalk will send information to before and after each deployment. Our add-on places a script at the location of the Web Hook, which in turns instructs ExpressionEngine to delete its cache.
Read more about it and download the add-on: ExpressionEngine Beanstalk Web Hook Addon