Bay County Florida Web Pros Learn EE
EllisLab Product Evangelist Marcus Neto will be presenting at the January meeting of the Bay County Florida Web Pros to talk to them about ExpressionEngine.
Learn how you can use EE to build dynamic websites without knowing how to program! Marcus Neto (@marcusneto) is driving here from Alabama to introduce us to this awesome content management system. He’s the Director of Enterprise Services at EllisLab (they created Expression Engine).
On the surface this may not seem like a big deal. But members of local web professional groups like the one Marcus is visiting would probably (and surely already do) choose tools like WordPress instead of ExpressionEngine. I see it as an important step to help grow the community and number of people that use ExpressionEngine. If it were up to me, Marcus would spend 2012 on an airplane (sorry, Marcus), traveling to speak and evangelize at dozens of web meetups across the country (and world). Only so many people follow the #eecms hashtag or search around for alternatives.