Ajax Sort and Order with ExpressionEngine
In a two part series at Metaq, Terris Kremer wrote up how to sort and order data with ExpressionEngine and Ajax. Terris takes a regular ol’ table of EE entries and makes them sortable.
The first step to making something work with Ajax is to make sure it works without Ajax. If a user doesn’t have JavaScript enabled I want to be sure they can still sort entries. Those users will just have to load the entire page.
Let’s start with a basic template that has a header, footer and content section.
He includes plenty of code snippets and explanations so you can adapt the code to your situation. The first article just gets the basics working…no Ajax implementation yet. In the second article Terris tackles making the entries sortable without requiring a page load.
If this type of functionality is new to you or you need it on an upcoming project, both articles are a good reference.