A Note on the Loyalty to Tools
The recent filibuster in the United States Senate made me think about how and where we put our loyalty. In respect to politicians, I mentioned to a friend that you should support the cause you believe in, not always just the people. Because everyone is going to disappoint you at some point with their beliefs and motivations. When you believe in a cause the only person you will disappoint is yourself (by choosing the wrong cause).
When it comes to building websites for clients and customers, it’s the opposite. You should support the people (your clients) and not just the cause you believe in. Your client might not need or want the thing you feel so passionate about.
When it comes to content management systems, there is no need to have any loyalty at all. As the worn-out, old saying goes: pick the right tool for the job. No matter who makes it, what the licensing is, or which language or framework is used.
Use ExpressionEngine as a tool to help your clients or customers achieve their goals. Use whichever CMS you want. It doesn’t matter as long as the people come before any loyalty you might have.
And when it comes to tools we probably don’t need any loyalty at all. Especially when that loyalty leads to vitriol.
It’s not the tools that you have faith in - tools are just tools. They work, or they don’t work. It’s people you have faith in or not. –Steve Jobs