ExpressionEngine Video Tutorials
Watch me as I build an entire site step-by-step or explain an EE development concept or technique. Some of the videos are free to download and share, while others are published through the Pragmatic Programmers as part of a very popular EE training series.
Quick Look at Seed Module by SquareBit
Previously, I mentioned the Seed Module by SquareBit, which allows you easily populate Channels with dummy content for testing. Here’s a quick look at the module and how it works.
The module is free and available from the SquareBit website.
First Look: Assets
This is a short First Look video at the new file manager Assets by Pixel & Tonic.
In this video I walk through basic use of the module and field type to manage images in the Channel University website we build in my Learning ExpressionEngine 2 video tutorials.
Download Video: MOV
Download this video and other ExpressionEngine training videos at Mijingo.
Changing Users in the Control Panel
Here's a quick tip that you can use when preparing your ExpressionEngine website for client training or hand-off. We want to make sure that the control panel works exactly as it should for each user, so it's always a good idea to log in as that user and take a look. Did you know that you can do this right from you Super Admin control panel? Let's take a look how.
Download Video: Full-size MOV
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Using External Editors with EE
In this short screencast we learn how to set up ExpressionEngine to use external editors for publishing content. We cover how to configure the Metaweblog API Module, MarsEdit and ScribeFire.
Quick Look at the Blacklist/Whitelist Module
The Blacklist/Whitelist module ships with EE Core, EE Personal and EE Commercial and is a first line of defense against comment spammers, trackback spammers and referrer spammers. You can add IP Addresses, URLs and User Agents to allow or deny visitors from commenting, sending a trackback or even visiting your website. Watch this short video as I walk through the Blacklist/Whitelist Module.
Query Module Basics
The Query module is a powerful tool that you can use to pull in data directly from your EE database right from your templates. This screencast will teach you the basics of the Query module and how you can implement it in your templates.
Creating Static Pages with the Pages Module
Sometimes you just a single page, like an About page, and it should be easy and fast to create. In this screencast we learn how to install and configure the Pages module so we can easily create static pages for our website.
Adding Search Functionality
In this screencast we will learn how to implement both simple and advanced search forms, create a search results page and more. This screencast shows you how to implement complete search capability for your EE site.
Adding Membership to a Site
This screencast shows you how to add membership functionality to your ExpressionEngine website. You’ll learn how to restrict access to content based on membership, restrict templates based on member group, add a custom login form and some advanced use of conditionals.
These are no longer for sale. Please check out other learning materials: