ExpressionEngine Video Tutorials
Watch me as I build an entire site step-by-step or explain an EE development concept or technique. Some of the videos are free to download and share, while others are published through the Pragmatic Programmers as part of a very popular EE training series.
First Look: Assets
This is a short First Look video at the new file manager Assets by Pixel & Tonic.
In this video I walk through basic use of the module and field type to manage images in the Channel University website we build in my Learning ExpressionEngine 2 video tutorials.
Download Video: MOV
Download this video and other ExpressionEngine training videos at Mijingo.
Relationships with Playa
The perfect companion to your Playa add-on, this video covers all of the basic information you need to know to get smart about creating relationships between entries in ExpressionEngine.
Sit back and watch as we enhance the Channel University website to include a course listing and a faculty directory. We will link courses and faculty together using related entries and the Playa add-on from Pixel & Tonic.
This 35 minute training video is a starter guide to using Playa.
Moving Entries Between Channels in ExpressionEngine 2
In ExpressionEngine it is easy to move entries between channels. But unless you have your Channel Assignments set up properly, it just won’t work! Watch this short (1m16s) video to learn how to move entries between channels in ExpressionEngine 2.
For more ExpressionEngine video tutorials, visit Mijingo.
Quick Look at Pixel & Tonic Matrix
A quick look at Pixel & Tonic’s new Matrix fieldtype for EE 2. I walk through adding a Matrix custom field to the Agile Records sample site that ships with EE 2.
SEO and ExpressionEngine
In the Search Engine Optimization video tutorial, I cover some simple steps to optimize your EE-powered website for search engines using only the tools that come with ExpressionEngine. Learn how to create custom title tags and metadata per entry.