- BugHerd by Tommy-Carlos Williams
ExpressionEngine CMS integration for BugHerd. If your site is built using the ExpressionEngine content management system (CMS) you can now also install BugHerd on your site in minutes!
- CE Variables by Causing Effect (Aaron Waldon)
CE Variables is software that utilizes the template partials approach of ExpressionEngine templating. It easily allows you to set and retrieve content, manipulate parse order, and pre-process conditionals.
- cpb Hash Browns by Curtis Blackwell
cpb Hash Browns is an ExpressionEngine plugin that enables you to easily create an AJAX navigable site with little to no markup changes.
- Global Member Vars by GDmac
Global_member_vars allows you to serve content to your logged in members, without expensive entries tags being parsed for other visitors. Adds member and group id to early parsed global vars for simple conditionals.